Streaming Participations

Streaming Participations

During the Corona/COVID-19 crisis, KRA is participating in several online activities: Silent Cities and Reveil to start with…

  1. Silent Cities is a joint initiative by the Universities of Toulouse, Marseille, Brest, and Bristol. It is a citizen science project, and participants from all over the world are collecting field recordings. Here are some links to the scientific context, the protocol and dynamic map of the participants.
    The global COVID-19 pandemic is forcing most countries around the world to put in place social distancing and/or drastic population containment measures. A notable effect of these measures is the reduction of many urban economic activities. This decline in activities is directly linked to a reduction in several inter- and intra-urban physical flows, first and foremost among which are individual travel — all modes combined — and motorized transport of people and goods. These movements and transport are two major sources of anthropogenic noise in all spaces, both urban and rural. While we recognize the severity and serious consequences of the pandemic, we want to continue to do what we do the best: searching, testing, experimenting. In other words, we want to continue to question the world in which we live. Starting from the abnormal situation generated by the COVID-19 pandemic in territories placed in more or less strict containment, we propose to the Ecoacoustic international community to participate in a collection of urban sonic environments to document these rare urban soundscapes.“

    KRA recorded a full week from Chotěboř’s Zastávka 194’s first floor, and is continuing to monitor the soundscapes from there.
  2. In 2020 Soundcamp is an extended radio event, organized around the Reveil 24+ hour broadcast, which tracks sunrise West from 5AM UTC+1 on Saturday 2 May to 6AM on Sunday.
    The Reveil schedule will bring together microphones from open windows, rooftops, gardens, forests, underwater and electromagnetic sites. The broadcast works with the Locus Sonus network to share sounds, ecologies and atmospheres as part of an emerging Acoustic Commons.“
    You can listen here to our early morning recording (1h excerpt) from Hranice, Vysočina, May 3rd.

As part of the RadioCustica program on Český rozhlas (CZ), Miloš Vojtěchovský and Ladislav Železný produced a montage of several recordings throughout Czech Rep.. Thanks!

A more recent compilation can also be found on bandcamp