Art’s Birthday 2021, 17 January. Digital Traditionals, Fresh from the Greenhouse!

Art’s Birthday 2021, 17 January. Digital Traditionals, Fresh from the Greenhouse!

Electronic experimental music must be older than 75 years. Generations of formerly young people are nowadays retired and listen with nostalgia to the warbled dissonant tunes and distorted broken rhythms from their youth. Once in a while they meet online to play memories from their imaginary songbooks and happily all improvise along. On Art’s Birthday some of the finest old digital folk musicians from the band Rural Development (CZ, DE, BE, FR, JP) surprise you with a concert from empty wintery hothouses in the countryside and (un)covered greenscapes in the city. Next they will apply for heritage funding.

Digital Traditionals is a present for Art on Art’s Birthday
Time: January 17th, 2021 – 16h CET.
Streams and complete worldwide schedule were on
Background info and history:

Imaginary representations of the live concert online were made by each of the band members: Akihiro Kubota, Dom Leroy, Geza Roman Bob, and Gívan Belá (click the names for the different localized versions).

Enjoy! But remember Art is at least 1,000,058 old now!