12z recording in Hranice

12z recording in Hranice

As part of a Visegrad residency, artist Márton Kristóf invited Bálint Szabó and some friends, together the band 12Z. They were recording mainly in open air, almost every day during July up to now. These recordings will be used in a new 12Z release. Additional recordings and improvisations will take place the coming months.
Listen to the tracks in progress. We are looking forward for more!

12Z set out to create an imaginary-utopian musical language of a never existed tribe. The band merges the patterns of traditional music and free improvisations with modern digital software and technology. They recorded a lot of different sounds near the forests in rural Hranice u Malče: an abandoned industrial tube, broken empty barrels, an old Austrian out-of-tune piano. They also made field recordings like water drumming in the abandoned pit lake (lom) in Borek. The final outcome will be realised by digital sampling and processing of these recordings and with additional devices. The plan is to make several live jam sessions and make a record of the whole process. The result will be released on 12’s bandcamp site at the end of 2017, where you can find many other materials. Stay tuned for more!


Thanks to the International Visegrad Fund for support.